
UV Light robot can destroy coronavirus in just 2 minutes


The new robot is increasingly being used to disinfect hospitals. The machine is capable of destroying the coronavirus in just 2 minutes and could soon be applied in public areas as an effective method of removing the virus from populated areas.


Xenex LightStrike


Xenes Disinfection Service, based in Texas, USA, recently announced the successful testing of the LightStrike robot against COVID-19. The machine, which was also sold in Japan by Terumo, a manufacturer of medical equipment, emits light with a wavelength of 200 to 312 nm, which deactivates beds, door handles and other surfaces that people often come into contact with.


After about two to three minutes, these ultraviolet radiation leaves the virus too damaged to function properly. In other words, this disrupts its functioning, significantly worsening it. It has also been proven that the robot works against multidrug-resistant bacteria and the Ebola virus. The LightStrike robot even showed 99,99% effectiveness in eliminating N95 coronavirus masks.




Currently, the robot is used in more than 500 medical institutions around the world. Terumo received distribution rights back in 2017 and handed out 15 million yen (approximately $ 140) to the car. During this crisis time, it is expected that the demand for the device will only grow, especially in hospitals and other medical institutions.


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